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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Bathroom Exhaust Fan 70 to 110 cfm

Less humidity and ultra quiet

SQBF 70-110 Discontinued product

The bathroom exhaust fans in our Ultra Quiet series are specially designed for the bathroom, but can be installed in other humid areas of the house. These contemporary-style bathroom exhaust fans ensure superior ambient air quality by quickly evacuating humidity from the room. They have been approved for installations above the shower or bath when installed on a (GFCI) protected circuit.

Product images

  • SQBF070 | BLANC


  • Evacuates humidity efficiently
  • Grill with rounded corners
  • Ultra quiet series


  • White


  • Plastic grill with rounded corners
  • 4-inch duct
  • Very quiet fan


  • 11 7/16 x 11 7/16 in. grill


  • Wall switch (not included)


  • Ceiling recessed installation only
  • Installed on the ceiling joist using wooden headers (not included)
  • Installed on the ceiling joist using sliding brackets (included)
  • Installed in a finished ceiling using the mounting bracket (included)


  • Five years