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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Electronic Convector

Upgrade your comfort

SIL Discontinued product

The stylish Silhouette™ generates warmth and comfort wherever it’s installed. Its unique unobtrusive design blends in with every decor. Its front-panel grille points downward and its rounded corners make the Silhouette™ an elegant, yet efficient convector choice. What’s more, it features a built-in electronic thermostat with a backlit screen that can be used as a night light. The Silhouette™ comes in a wide variety of models and colours to suit every taste. For home, office or business, the Silhouette™ convector offers the utmost in aesthetics and functionality.

Product images

  • SIL | FACE


  • The choice of experts
  • Maximum power and totally quietThanks to its x-shaped element
  • Large choice of models and colours
  • Available with a built-in electronic thermostatWith ba cklit screen


  • Standard: white
  • Luxurious finish: stainless steel (see price list)
  • Optional: silica white, almond, black, textured charcoal, silver, clear anodized (paint), nickel, champagne, light bronze, dark brown (10% surcharge)


  • Epoxy-polyester powdercoat or stainless steel


  • 20-gauge steel cabinet and front
  • Bottom air intake and front air discharge
  • The cabinet height improves the chimney effect
  • Safe, rounded corners
  • Easy access to controls
  • Thermal protection with automatic reset


  • Aluminum extrusion, X-shaped one-piece to generate maximum heat


  • Electronic thermostat required: built-in with LCD display (SIL series), wall
    single programming (TE series) or wall multiple programming (PT series)
  • Automatic temperature lowering at night (Automatic mode)
  • Lock option at a maximum temperature set point (Security mode)


  • Surface mounted only
  • Wall mounted at least 4 in. from the floor
  • Concealed wall mounting bracket (included)


  • Five years