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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Electronic Thermostat – Multiple Programming

Programming is child’s play!

STE402P+ Discontinued product

The STE402P multiple programming electronic thermostat takes care of everything, so you have peace of mind! This efficient unit lets you easily choose from 18 preset programs. With the touch of a button, the temperature setpoint will automatically change according to your selection.

Product images

  • STE402P+ | BLANC


  • 5-2 day programming
  • PreprogrammingIncludes 18 preset programs in “pre-prog” mode
  • Increased savings and comfortIncomparable accuracy
  • Anticipated startReach the temperature setpoint precisely at the programmed time
  • Backlit screenCan be used as a nightlight
  • Electricity savingsEnergy savings of 15-20% depending on use*


  • White


  • Molded plastic


  • 150 W to 2000 W @ 120 V
  • 260 W to 3475 W @ 208 V
  • 300 W to 4000 W @ 240 V


  • Two- or four-wire connection
  • Compatible with forced-air units (Fan mode)
  • Easily choose the desired preprogramming with one button
  • Possibility of four events on weekdays and four events on weekends
  • Anticipated start (the thermostat reaches the desired temperature at the requested time)
  • Frost-free warning
  • Lock option at a minimum and maximum temperature setpoint (Security mode)

  • Protection against power failure (two hours)
  • Time displayed in 12- or 24-hour mode
  • Display in Celsius or Fahrenheit


  • Accurate ambient temperature control of ± 0.5 °C (1 °F)
  • CSA C828-13
  • Temperature sensing with thermistor


  • 3 to 30 °C (37 to 86 °F)


  • Three years

* Independent study