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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

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SFRF Discontinued product

As a result of the current high standards in heat insulation and air-tightness, air no longer moves in-and-out of houses freely thus retaining indoor air pollution. Adding a mechanical filter to your forced air heating system is an efficient way to capture some of these airborne particles. Stelpro filters are available in several different sizes and ratings to meet your specific needs and requirements.

Product images


The precise alignment and spacing of the filter pleats allows for an even air distribution.

The filter geometry maximizes particle capture by trapping the large particles in the pleat valley while the smaller size particles stick to the pleat slopes.

These filters fit into the robustly constructed SFRF filter housing.

Made of galvanized steel, the SFRF has a modular track system that makes it adaptable to a variety of filters sizes.

Ten year warranty (SFRF housing).