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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
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  • logo Flextherm

Portable heater

Heat on the go

LCH Discontinued product

The LCH portable heater: 4800 W of forced-air heat that moves with you. Its rugged construction and eye-catching design make this portable heater the leader in its class. This affordable heater is a practical backup system that can reliably meet your needs and won’t break your budget. For temporary heating, the LCH is the answer.

Product images


  • Nichrome open elementBetter heat dissipation, instantaneous heat and more durability


  • Orange & black (LCH48T model)
  • Yellow & black (LCH4800T model)


  • Epoxy-polyester powdercoat


  • 20-gauge steel cabinet
  • Sturdy handle for portability that also serves as cord rack
  • 2 m (6 ft) 12 Awg. molded cable with grounded, 250 V plug
  • Thermal protection with automatic reset


  • See the selection table


  • Open (LCH48T model)
  • Enclosed, permanently lubricated motor (LCH4800T model)


  • Open


  • Built-in thermostat on the right side of the heater


  • Connects to a standard 30 A 250 V grounded receptacle


  • One year