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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Smart Electronic Thermostat Non-Programmable

The smallest in its category

STE362RNP Discontinued product

The STE362RNP is the smallest electronic thermostat in its category. It can control fan-forced or convection heaters up to a maximum of 3600 watts and has a Security mode and Night mode. This unit offers a perfect balance of simplicity, accuracy and style.

Product images



  • Smart mode Automatic temperature set back once per 24 hour period
  • Eligible for the ENERGY WISE programFor Quebec residents only
  • BacklightCan be used as a nightlight (+ models)
  • The smallest thermostat in its category


  • White


  • Molded plastic


  • Made in Canada


  • 240 to 1800 W @ 120 V / 416 to 3120 W @ 208 V / 480 to 3600 W @ 240 V


  • Acts like a programmable thermostat by automatically lowering the temperature once per 24 hour period (Smart mode)
  • Compatible with forced-air units (Fan mode)
  • Accurate temperature control

  • Frost-free warning
  • Lock option at a maximum temperature set point (Security mode)
  • Display in either Celsius or Fahrenheit


  • ± 0.1°C ( 0.18°F) (approved according to the CSA-C828-06 CSA Performance standard)


  • Between 3°C to 30°C (37°F and 86°F)


  • Three years