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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

SSR Type Electronic Relay with Heat Sink


For installations that require greater control capacity, choose our high-performance models for installation in an external junction box. Available in several versions, they'll adapt perfectly to your specific needs.

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  • Maintains the temperature closer to the desired setpoint for greater comfort and lower energy costs
  • Simple installation and easy adjustment on a 4" x 4" electrical junction box
  • Integrated heat sink to dissipate heat from the electronic relay
  • More precise than mechanical relays
  • Compatible with low-voltage thermostats
  • No maintenance requiredNo risk of damage, as there are no mechanical components
  • Cast in epoxyWhich protects the relay against moisture, excess heat and contaminated environments


  • 24 VAC pulse or On/Off signal
  • With transformer (CCT-25-1-C2-T240 and CCT-25-1-C2-T347)



  • 240 VAC = 24 VAC, 2.4 VA
  • 208 VAC = 20.8 VAC, 2.4 VA


  • 347 VAC = 24 VAC, 2.4 VA
  • 277 VAC = 19.2 VAC, 2.4 VA
  • 240 VAC = 16.6 VAC, 2.4 VA


  • Must be installed in an external junction box


  • -20°C to 45°C (-4°F to 113°F); if over 25°C (77°F), derating required


  • -40°C to 80°C (-40°F to 176°F)


  • 4 mounting holes for 4 11/16” electrical box


  • Two years

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