Stelpro Canada

It appears you’re in the US. You’re currently viewing the Canadian website. Note that currencies and availability on the American and Canadian websites differ.

Vous semblez provenir des USA, mais vous êtes actuellement sur le site canadien. Veuillez noter que les devises et la disponibilité des produits diffèrent d’un site à l’autre.

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Rester sur le site canadien

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Aller sur le site américain

All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

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Return of Merchandise

Return authorization requests can be submitted via our website (new!) or by email.

To make your requests on our website, go to and fill out the form. For email requests, send your request to [email protected], including the purchase order number and the reason for the return. In both cases, a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number will be sent to you. This number must be clearly indicated on the packaging of the units to be returned and must be easily visible. Products must be adequately packaged to ensure they arrive in excellent condition. Unless otherwise advised, the sender assumes the shipping costs.

Stelpro reserves the right to apply restocking fees or refuse a refund based on one or more of the following criteria: optional colour, custom product, assembly with low-demand options, product alteration, damaged receipt, etc.