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Since Tuesday, 02/23/2021 04:00
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Ecology, Energy

Electrical heating and the environment

Electric heating used in homes and public places has an edge over other types of heating: it does not pollute. The energy required to produce heat with electricity does not pollute the air of the heated room. The result: a healthier indoor environment, especially considering the long periods of heating which some residents of the northern regions are exposed to.

Environment Canada believes that hydroelectric power, which accounts for 60% of all electricity produced in the country, is a method of renewable power and low emissions. The little greenhouse gas produced by plants comes from the decomposition of certain plant life located in flooded areas during the construction of power plants.

Wind energy also helps to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Although, it is a fact that production and installation of wind turbines do emit such emissions. However, these emissions become non-existent once the unit is turned on. It is expected that wind energy should rise close to 11% in 2020.

The electricity generated in coal, oil or natural gas plants represents 25% of national production. The natural gas plants (about 8% of the country’s production) leave little footprints in the environment. As for coal and oil, producers now recognize the importance of using eco-friendly methods and attempt to leave traces about equal to those of gas. However, to achieve this there is still a long ways to go.

Nuclear plants account for 12% of total production. If they emit liquid waste, gases and monitored and controlled radioactivity, the quantities of CO2 they let escape remain significantly lower than those produced by fossil fuel power plants.

Even though in Canada, electricity production is responsible for 12% of greenhouse gases produced, Quebec, through its vast water resources, is admirably doing well with a low rate of 0.4%. The net greenhouse gas effect of Hydro-Québec is more beneficial for the environment.

Le chauffage électrique et l’environnement


We are still far from the widespread implementation of solar systems for generating electricity. At present, researchers are working to find solutions to increase the performance of existing and future devices, in addition to making production costs more affordable. Current solar panels require high UV exposure to be effective, making facilities located in rainy or cloudy regions and where the length of day varies utterly useless for the moment.

In the meantime, you can always count on passive solar energy. A house facing south with proper windows and insulation can save a lot on electricity consumption costs, in addition to reducing the use (and power consumption) of heaters.


In 2015, the UN reported that 80% of citizens are concerned about climate change. During the same period at a summit meeting, the representatives of the seven most industrialized countries hinted at the possibility of ending the fossil era, a pollutant, and partly responsible for the greenhouse effect. For this, we will have to wait and see, but hydro, wind and other clean energy sources will surely be called to take over.

The production of electricity without fossil sources becomes an obvious choice for the citizens of the planet. No storage, no pollution and efficient energy at your fingertips. What more could you ask for?