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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Dual Energy Duct Heater

Maximum energy savings

SB Discontinued product

The Stelpro duct heater is a smart way to achieve comfort and savings as well as maximum safety. Available in two sizes, it can be coupled with a set of deflectors for better performance and increased versatility. In addition to its intrinsic qualities, this unit will save you money with the DT residential hydro rate. Ask your contractor for more details. Save money while staying warm.

Product images

  • SB | FACE
  • SB | FACE


  • Significant savingsThanks to Hydro-Québec's residential DT rate (in Quebec only)
  • Temperature sensorOverheat detection and auto-reading mode
  • Electromechanical coupling (interlock)Keeps the two heating sources from working simultaneously
  • Deflector setFor easy retrofit to an existing system


  • Charcoal


  • Galvanized steel


  • Robust monopiece galvanized steel cabinet
  • Pilot lights that clearly identify the selected modes
  • Deflector kit (included)
  • Plenum temperature sensor (abnormal condition detection)
  • Diagnostic pilot lights
  • Each element is protected by a set of thermal cut-outs (manual and automatic)


  • 16 in. x 18 in.
  • 19 in. x 19 in.


  • Modulating elements for increased comfort and separately framed allowing for quick and easy replacement


  • Mode selector
  • Auto transfer function


  • Upflow position


  • Three years