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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Snow Melting System

For a worry-free winter!


Our SSC/SSCM snow melting system reduces snow and ice accumulation on the ground. Perfect for home or commercial driveways, crosswalks, sidewalks or stairs. Available in mat or cable format, it can be easily installed under concrete, asphalt and pavers. This year, get our unique snow melting system and experience winter in a whole new way.

Product images

  • SSC | FACE


  • Available in mat or cable formatAdapts to all types of installations
  • Infrastructure lifespan extensionCuts down on damage from abrasives, chemicals and snow removal equipment
  • Clear surfacesCuts down on the risk of falls and accidents
  • Cuts down on housekeepingFewer residual abrasives carried indoors

Ideal for

  • Parking lot


  • Fluoropolymer-insulated double heating element
  • PVC-coated insulated conductor with coiled copper shielding
  • Ultra-resistant thermoplasticcoated sheath


  • 50 W/ft2 at 240 V and 277V (3 in. spacing)
  • 37.5 W/ft2 at 208 V (3 in. spacing)


  • Snow melting system control (optional)


  • Never cut the cable
  • Suitable for residential or commercial outdoor use only
  • Can be installed under asphalt, concrete and pavers


  • Ten years

STELPRO - Installing snow melting heating cables

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