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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Floor Insert Fan Heater

Compact and effective floor level heat


The FFI floor insert fan heater fits into the tightest of spaces, such as under bay windows or in the floor under low windows and patio doors. Easy to install, it features a sturdy aluminum grille designed to withstand foot traffic.

Product images

  • FFI | FACE




  • Easy to install and sized to fit most common construction structures
  • Sturdy aluminum grille
  • Takes up very little wall space
  • Can be recessed into a concrete floor

Ideal for

  • Bathroom
  • Office



  • Epoxy-polyester powdercoat


  • Durable 16-gauge steel cabinet and 9-gauge aluminum extruded grille
  • Protective wire mesh to prevent foreign objects from entering the interior of the unit
  • 80 CFM capacity fan
  • Thermal protection with automatic reset


  • Tubular element sheathed with spiral-wound fins for improved heat dissipation


  • Wall thermostat only (not included) – the use of an electronic thermostat is strongly recommended


  • Recessed between floor joists
  • In a concrete floor without framing
  • Large wiring compartment


  • Five years

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