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Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Low Voltage – 24 V Single Programming Electronic Thermostat


This electronic thermostat was designed to control electric heating units or Stelpro RE relays. The STE241 also makes it possible to adjust cycles based on the type of furnace being controlled, including units equipped with fans, for increased efficiency.

Product images

  • STE241 | FACE1


  • Easy to install and use
  • Greater savings and comfort
  • Three-wire thermostat (R, W, C)
  • Compatible with RE relays
  • Lowers the temperature at specified times
  • Option to define a maximum setpoint


  • White


  • Molded plastic


  • 0.5 A @ 24 Vac


  • Three-wire connection
  • Compatible with electric furnaces (R, C, W connections) and Stelpro, “RE” series heating relays
  • Adjustable cycles to accomodate both convection and forced-air heating modes. Attention: not compatible with solely inductive loads.
  • Acts like a programmable thermostat by automatically lowering the temperature once per 24-hour period (Single programming mode)
  • Frost-free warning
  • Lock option at a maximum temperature setpoint (Security mode)
  • Display in Celsius or Fahrenheit


  • Accurate ambient temperature control ± 0.5 °C (1 °F)
  • Temperature sensing with thermistor


  • 3 to 30 °C (37 to 86 °F)


  • Three years

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