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All Systems Operational

Since Tuesday, 23 February 2021, 04:00
Eastern Time Zone

  • logo Flextherm

Better makes best

Our commitment to improvement is built into everything we manufacture. And today, we’re proud to present our latest line of thermostats.

Better price. Better products. Better warranty

Competitive prices

Safe design

Rigorous testing

5-year warranty

100% Canadian manufacturing

Safe and reliable

Our thermostats are tested, accurate and deliver stable performance across a wide range of environments. They are proven reliable and have one of the lowest return rates in the industry.

Energy savings

Electronic thermostats are continuously in ambient temperature analysis mode. They can adjust quickly to temperature fluctuations and are accurate to within half a degree Celsius. Thanks to this stability, they use less energy and, depending on whether they are non-programmable or programmable, offer savings of between 10% and 20%.

Thermostats for fan heaters, baseboards and convectors

Specially designed for fan heaters:
Improve management to help prolong the life of fan motors.

LOBBY-mode function:
Sensing rapid drops in temperature, the thermostat automatically starts the heater.

Timed-heat BOOST:
Provide the utmost comfort and optimal temperatures without overheating.

Thermostats for baseboards and convectors
